There's one problem though; these changes will require my absence for a short while.
To explain the situation better, I have answered a few questions that I thought some of you may have. Sort of like an anticipatory FAQ :)
Here goes...
Q: Why are you leaving Washington DC? I thought you liked it here?
A: I do like DC and I'm going to miss it very much. However, an exciting opportunity has come up in Europe for my husband and I.
Q: Europe? Where?
A: The German state of Baden-Württemberg. Neither me or my husband have lived in Germany before, so this a big first for both of us!
Q: When do you leave?
A: We were supposed to be leaving today! However, due to complications caused by the recent snowstorm, we will now be leaving next week.
Q: What do you mean by absent? Are you going to abandon your blog?
A: NO! Not at all! Well maybe for a little while. Here's the thing:
The entire contents of my kitchen, along with the rest of our stuff, are packed and will soon be making their way across the Atlantic ocean. We have been told the shipment could take up to 90 days to arrive! During that time, we will be searching for somewhere to live. This is where the possibility of a temporarily neglected blog comes in. I won't have the equipment I need to cook until we find a home and our belongings have arrived. All I'll have is a suitcase full of clothes, my laptop, my camera equipment and my husband.
Q: So you might not be able to cook for three months?
A: Nope. Unless our stuff arrives sooner and we find a home quicker than expected. Or perhaps the hotel we stay in let's me use their kitchen ... unlikely! :)
Q: Are you going to miss cooking?
A: Definitely! Don't get me wrong, I love to eat out. Especially in different countries, but not every single day for 3 months! No doubt I'll enjoy local food and hotel room service for a while. But before long, I'll be begging for the day our stuff arrives and my new kitchen is up and running!
Q: Will you keep us updated?
A: Absolutely! As often as I can. I have recently set up a Facebook page that I will update frequently. I'll fill you in on all the German / European cuisine I come across. I'll visit farmers markets, cafés, restaurants and vineyards. And when we're settled I plan to explore the culinary wonders and delights that all of Europe has to offer. Paris and Rome here I come! :)
My camera and I will share these adventures with you every step of the way.
Thank you for listening, for your support and your understanding. I'll catch up with you all soon.
Goodbye for now.