Freaky Fingers
Makes 20-30 fingers
200g all purpose flour
100g caster sugar (superfine)
100g butter
1 egg yolk (maybe 2)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
20-30 blanched almonds
Red food colouring (paste is best)
Small clean paintbrush
A few notes: The fingers will spread in the oven so be sure to roll them quite thin. Also, if a few of the almonds fall off after baking, try gluing them them back on with the red colouring paste.
Place the first 5 ingredients in a food processor with a pinch of salt and whiz until a ball of dough forms. If the dough isn't coming together, add another egg yolk. Tear off a piece of dough, slightly smaller than a golf ball, and roll into skinny cylinders. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper - not too close together as they will spread during baking. Place an almond on the end of each finger and trim away any excess dough to neaten. Use a knife to make a few lines for the knuckles. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes. Heat oven to 180C/350F then bake until just firm, about 10-12 minutes, maybe less if you're fingers are thin. Just be sure to keep a close eye. Leave to cool a little, then paint each almond with red food colouring.
Recipe from BBC Good Food